Friday 10 February 2012

Autobiography Part 2

Another piece of autobiographical work for university.


When I was 15, I went through an emo phase. I will be eternally ashamed of this fact, but have grown to accept and even cherish the memories. I dyed my hair black, invested in the staple black clothes and didn't leave my house without a stick of Kohl around each eyes. I wrote emo poetry to show the 'pain' I was going through, convinced nobody but my notebook could understand me. I'm embarrassed to admit that there was even heavy use of the words 'razor' and 'scar'. Every Saturday morning, we would meet at 10am at the postbox on Nangreave Road and together we would walk to the A6, to catch the bus to town. We would begin our assault on Manchester in Afflecks, where nothing was ever bought but many things were obtained. We would smoke endless cigarettes in the cafe, ordering a token can of coke between us 4 so we could stay. Urbis is where we would always end up, shimmering like an 'alternative' beacon. The gardens outside were teeming with life, black crowds lurching drunkenly from one social group to another as friends were recognised and enemies chastised. As day turned slowly to night, we would link arms together and, high on life, poppers and Morinov vodka mixed with whatever we could find that day, begin our weary journey back to the bus stop where our carriage awaited.

Once, there was a Battle of the Bands taking place in Urbis, which was obviously too good an opportunity to miss. It was hot, sticky, smoky inside as the bands competed furiously. It seemed like an excellent idea to go paddling in the fountain, and in hindsight I think that's because (despite the gallons of tramps piss in there) it was a good idea. With our skirts sticking to our damp limbs and our feet rubbing in our Converse, we boarded the 192. Now, whenever I mention the 192 these days, I always say "You take your life into your own hands with the 192." and it's mainly because of this night. We headed for our usual seats at the front of the bus on the top deck, taking no notice of the other passenger nearby. His tedious life did not concern us excitable, chattering girls. Our exciting lives, however, seemed to concern him. His eyelids were heavy with alcohol and he seemed furious that we would be daring to enjoy life in such a manner. He questioned us, why were we out so late, where had we been. We answered truthfully. "BATTLE OF THE BANDS?! BATTLE OF THE BANDS?!" The man bawled, disbelievingly. He seemed harmless enough. We tried to ignore him, but he went on screeching. A young couple had joined us on the bus, and one of them asked the man to be quiet. Suddenly, all hell broke loose. There was a flurry of action, a knife was drawn by the drunken sod.

Autobiography Part 1

I've led a pretty boring life, if I'm honest. Nobody is ever going to request my autobiography, but if they were to ask.... Well, here's a slice of autopieography. This memory comes from when I was around 13 years old. I was a cruel child. 

Ghost Cat.

Darkness descended on the navy hallway as I flicked off the light and took my place in the procession on the stairs. My hand firmly clasped my brick-like mobile, the instrument of her terror. I set the scene and we lay in wait. I pressed the button and an echoing 'meow' sounded out. Ghost cat had arrived. She sat, entranced as we wove our tale, the story of a cat which haunted the house endlessly searching for her master, mewling and alone. I heard her breath catch in her throat as I once more pushed the button. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matthews hand inch towards his pocket. "Some say that if the cat sounds a bang, she is summoning her ghostly friends because she is in trouble." I flinched. Had he taken it too far? Charley's eyes said no. She was caught in our web. BANG! The party popper exploded. She screamed. We collapsed in a fit of hysterics, falling over each other to switch on the light and catch a glimpse of the sheer terror written on her face.

5 minute short film script

Another university assignment. Forgive this script, it was written hastily whilst hungover.

5 Minute Script
5 minute script for a short film.

A scruffy man in his mid 20’s, JACK, reaches into a fridge and takes out a can of special brew. He cracks it open and takes a long swig.
Buuuuuuuuurrrrrrpppp... Ahhhh....

He ambles back to an old stained armchair in front of a small television.
                        TELEVISION PRESENTER
And finally, Susannah Colridge will be performing and meeting fans at Club Koko
for this year’s Children in Need event.
Susannah will be available between 7-8pm.
Now, over to Tim for the weather.

Jack reaches for an old Nokia 3310 mobile phone and dials.
Yeah, yeah, Jill. It’s me. Did you just
see what I just seen? Yeah, at Koko. We
have to go. Nah, I’m sure as soon as I
actually speak to her she’ll get to know
me, see the real me. And... And we’ll fall
in love and have a beautiful wedding, and
she’ll wear a red dress because she’s just
so alternative like that and...

Jack’s voice fades out as we see that his house is basically a shrine to this celebrity. SUSANNAH COLRIDGE, a 50’s style raven haired bombshell with a modern twist, bright red lips and porcelain skin decorated with a multitude of piercings. She has a full hourglass figure and appears particularly fond of corsets. Underneath the numerous posters and photographs, Jack has scrawled her name surrounded by love hearts.
                                                     CUT TO:
Jack steps onto a 253 bus; its destination is Camden Town. He now wears a shabby tux, the arms and legs are too short and the buttons strain over his beer belly. His shirt has an old ketchup stain on it.
                                                     CUT TO:
Jack grinning to himself, nodding his head in time to the music that is blaring from his headphones. The music itself is similar to that of ‘Evanescence’.
FX: A mobile phone rings, the ringtone is a monophonic version of the song he is listening to.
I’ll be about 20 minutes, yeah. So,
what I was saying before is that
after the wedding, we’ll go on our
honeymoon to somewhere dead alternative
like Finland or really retro and wacky.
Scarborough or, like, Scunthorpe or...
Jill? Jill?

Jack looks at his mobile and shrugs.
                                                     CUT TO:
There is a long queue. Jack and his friend JILL are right at the back, slowly inching towards the front.
And I think that we’ll have 3 children,
maybe 2 boys and a girl, and maybe we
could give them really edgy names, like...
SATANESSA or something equally as cool
and ‘out-there’... A combination of our
names could be awesome. Jackannah... I
like it. I really like it. Or if it’s a
boy, like, Susack. Like some kind of
cool French guy from a film or something.

Jill looks bored as he is saying this. We get the impression it has been going on for a while, and Jack shows no signs of running out of steam.
                                                     CUT TO:
INT. CLUB KOKO -- Overhead view.
People are moving quickly through the queue, the action sped up.
                        JACK (V.O)
I know she’ll be on tour a lot, but I
know she won’t be tempted by any of
those guys. Flash cars? Fancy guitars?
Nope, Jill, Susie’ll know. Once you’ve
had the Jack, you’ll never go back. We
can always get a nanny for Susack and Jackannah and...
                                                     CUT TO:
A burly looking BOUNCER interrupts Jack’s daydream.
NEXT! You get 1 minute, pay up or get
out, Miss Colridge is a very popular
lady, no time for timewasters.

Jack hands him a grubby ten pound note and rushes to the table. Susannah is sat there, looking bored and chewing gum.
She pops a bubble in Jack’s face.
                        SUSANNAH (CONT’D)
            Whaddaya want, loser?

She peers at him, her face right next to his and then reels back like a startled ferret.
Hey! Who the fuck let you in?! You some kind of disgusting HOBO or something?! SECURITY! Get that... THING away from me!

Susannah sniffs theatrically.

                        SUSANNAH (CONT’D)
Is that... Is that you? OHMYGOD! You’re disgusting!

The BOUNCER and one of his cronies swoop in and grab Jack, pushing his arms around his back.
                                                     CUT TO:
A door opens and out sails Jack, landing with a dull thud on a pile of black bin bags.
Jill runs out, she crouches down and removes a banana skin from Jack’s head. She looks tenderly into his eyes, which are shining with tears.
Hey. Heyyy... You don’t need her. I’m sure there’s somebody who wants to marry you and have 3 alternative children and a retro honeymoon.
No, Jill. You heard her. I’m disgusting. A... A HOBO! I bet you a fiver, no! A tenner! That nobody will ever love me.

Jill leans in and gently kisses Jack.
I think you owe me a tenner...



Jesting about radio script

This was written for a BBC Radio competition. I didn't win. It's a bit of a twist on a customer who phoned me at work once.

FX: Cashier Number 5, please!
FX: Quiet background noise, a child crying in the distance and people chatting.
Cashier (female, fairly young and sounding bored, with a slight North East accent): How can I help you today, Sir?
Man (heavy North East accent, elderly): Just a balance for me today, pet.
Cashier: Put your debit card in. [Beat] Balance is £45.80. Anything else I can do for you today, Sir?
Man: Erm, I need an engineer for my washer-dryer.
Cashier: [Beat] Sir, I can’t do that for you. We...We’re just a bank, I’m afraid.
Man: So, when can I expect him?
Cashier: Well, you can’t. I haven’t ordered him.
Man: Well, I’d like some kind of estimate, I mean I can’t just be waiting around all day for him, you know what I mean?
Cashier: I understand, Sir, but again, I must just say that we are just a bank. Now, is there anything else I can actually help you with?
Man: My wife’s in a wheelchair.
Cashier (becoming increasingly aggravated): I’m very sorry to hear that, but unfortunately we can’t order engineers and we can’t perform miracles! Once again, just a bank!
Man: So will it be tomorrow, then? I suppose it’s too late to get one today.
Cashier: Will what be today?
Man: My engineer!
Cashier: Well, obviously not, I haven’t ordered one!
Man: Well, you were the one bringing it up again.
Cashier: Ok, well, are there anymore banking related queries I can help you with? (with each sentence, the cashier’s voice gets quieter, as if she is backing away from her awkward customer) No? Ok, that’s great. I’ve got to go... lie down for a few minutes.
FX: shutter closing

Poetry SLAM.

Perhaps the title is misleading. The following are less a poetry slam, more a poetry tap if I'm honest. These are poems I wrote for my first creative writing university assignment.

4 Haiku

conkers smack
shouts of glee resonate-
new beginnings
Indian summer
contrasting with the season
baking in the sun
paper thin golden
scattered across the wet dirt-
the ending of lives
a singular drop,
a solitary journey
down the sparkling glass

Haiku are not necessarily my strong point, I generally feel like I need more than three lines to express things. Those of you who know me will know that I tend not to shut up, so keeping poems to a minimum like this was pretty hard.

1 Ode

Ode to Rainfall

Tall sunflowers crane up to the clouds
as bodies jostle for space in the parks and the greens.
Complaints of overheating can be heard from the crowds,
and then you come and wash them away, make it clean.

The heavens open and the first drops fall,
after days of burning, you are welcomed by most.
A smattering on the skylight, I listen to your dulcet drawl,
the remnants of Summer are now just a ghost.

The skyline is blackened, ashen clouds hang low.
I’m mesmerised by the new world you show,
as down your droplets throw and throw.

I'm still not feeling this poem, even after hours of tweaking to get it ready to submit. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not a fan of flowery poems expressing love for mundane things. 

1 Shakespearean Sonnet

My eyes glaze over as my mind wanders.
An old copy of the Financial Times
brings me far more joy than you, Moll Flanders
with your boring life and your tiresome crimes.
Why must I plough through pages of whoring,
thievery, trickery and dodgy deals?
Why did he bother with your life story?
How does Mr Defoe think us readers feel?
Pray for me, for I am nearing the end.
The conclusion’s in sight, it draws near close.
Moll prays for repentance, I pray again
for the end of this tale, impatience grows.
Finally! The last sentence I have seen!
That book wasn’t too bad, actually.

This is my favourite of the poems, and also the one I found easiest to write. I feel like everybody can relate to the idea of being forced to read something or do something they don't want to, as well as the relief once the task has finished. 

1 Projective Verse

Lollipops for Lead Gen

run in 25 mins late
a reward for each lead
she says
1 hour left “Hi, you’re through to Alex
can I try to sell you shit you don’t need?”

1 lolly
            2 lolly
                        a drumstick makes 3

a note on your account saying you’re due
a financial review
stuttering through
never recover.
she doesn’t B I T E.
lose hope.
“Thanks for your call”

“Hi, you’re through to Alex.”

Although I enjoyed writing this poem, I also found out that I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to poetry. To me, I feel like a line break isn't enough to identify it as poetry. I'm fully aware that poetry doesn't need to 'rhyme' as such, but I'm a stickler for a good old ababcc.

As if you couldn't guess, this poem is about an almost daily event which occurs at work.

Here's another piece I did for my AS level in London. The following is a script from a radio show, think 'XFM Breakfast Show with Alex Zane' for an idea of how I pictured it sounding.

Presenter: Alexa Chung.

[Cheesy jingle plays over the sound of the presenters giggling]

“98.3 Soma FM, the real home of indie…”

Alexa Chung [breathy and giggly, as though her and the other presenter had just been laughing at some inside joke throughout the jingle playing]: Hi, I’m Alexa Chung, as usual on Saturday afternoon with your lowdown on the latest indie chart. Due to being on vacation, Alex Zane won’t be able to join me today, so we have a special guest presenter with us today. I know he’ll never be able to replace Alex, but give him a chance. It’s Dev Hynes, AKA Lightspeed Champion!

[scattered applause from sound engineers etc. inside the studio, followed by more giggling]

Lightspeed Champion [Sarcastically, but good humoured]: Wow… I don’t know what to say. Everybody’s so complimentary here. I’m truly humbled by your kindness.

A.C: Well, you know, we aren’t usually this hospitable, it’s just for you, Dev.

L.C: Yeah, I can tell you’re not used to doing it…  [laughs] So, I’ve been a regular listener of this show for about a year now, and it seems you’ve had a lot of guest presenters for Alex, but none for you… What’s up with that? [His voice is full of innocence, but there is a hint of trouble in it] Do you not like vacations or something?

A.C [sounding jokily uncomfortable]: Oh, er… Well, I’m just a lot more dedicated to this show than Alex.

 [something inaudible is heard shouted in the background, from one of the sound engineers in the studio]

L.C: What? What was that? Sounded interesting… Come a bit closer to the mic and say that, will you?

Sound engineer [giggling]: They give Alex more holidays because he does better work than her.

A.C [sounding hurt, occasionally sniffing to give the illusion she is crying, whilst sad violin music plays in the background]: Well… That’s not exactly true… I mean… There are other factors too…

[a chorus of Awwwwwwww echoes around the studio, as the Alexa bursts into fake wailing, similar to that of a baby who’s just dropped her ice cream]

[Meanwhile in Hollywood by Elle Milano starts playing, Alexa’s sobs still clearly audible for around 5 seconds, but fading away until they are completely gone by the tenth second of the song. As the song finishes, it is followed immediately by After Hours by We Are Scientists. As After Hours gets close to the end (around 10 seconds from the end), it fades out and you can hear Alexa’s sobs, and Dev comforting her]

L.C [Softly, soothing Alexa]: I’m sure they didn’t mean better better[Quickly switching to ‘professional mode’ with a clear of his throat, starting to talk directly to the viewer] That was, of course, Meanwhile in Hollywood, the new single from Artrocker favourites Elle Milano in at number 10, followed by After Hours by We Are Scientists. Now, Alexa, what’s been happening to our favourite indie types this week?

A.C [Alexa’s voice now changes to one similar to a BBC Newsreader, professional and crisp, giving an air of importance]: Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. has been signed up in place of Babyshambles to headline the Love Music, Hate Racism Carnival, after frontman, Pete Doherty was sentenced to three and a half months in prison for breaching his probation order. The carnival will take place in Victoria Park on Sunday 27th April. Other acts confirmed as appearing include The Good, The Bad and The Queen, Patrick Wolf and The View.
Not strictly indie, but still noteworthy, Madonna has revealed that she will be appearing at Radio One’s Big Weekend, a free 2 day festival which is being held in Kent in May. The line up also includes The Fratellis, We Are Scientists and The Ting Tings. Speaking of our favourite Scots, The Fratellis told us in an interview yesterday that their new album will be hitting our shelves in June.

 [A voice clip of Jon Fratelli now plays. There is background noise, creating the atmosphere of the interview having taken place at a festival, or something similar] “Yeah, we’ve just finished recording the new album, and it’s called Here We Stand. Hopefully it’ll be out at the start of June.”

A.C: Back to you, Mr Champion.

L.C [Giggling at being called Mr Champion]: Thanks, Alexa. And now to play you our numbers 8 and 7 in the indie charts this week. First up, at number 8, it’s… [laughs] Well, it’s me, actually, Lightspeed Champion, with Midnight Surprise.

[Midnight Surprise by Lightspeed Champion plays, followed immediately after by Mr Understanding by Pete and the Pirates.]

A.C [Now completely back to normal, as if her previous outburst had never happened]: And that was followed by our number 7, the new single from indie rockers Pete and The Pirates.

[The cheesy jingle from the start plays once again, followed four 30 second ads: One for the new album by Death Cab For Cutie, one for Subway: Eat Fresh, one for a sale at PC World and finally, an advert for Soma FM’s weekday breakfast show, with Simon Amstell and Jo Whiley. After this, We’re in the Music Biz by Robots In Disguise plays]

L.C: That was electro favourites Robots in Disguise with their single We’re in the Music Biz, in at number 6. And now it’s time for a competition, where you, our loyal fans, can win 2 tickets to see Bloc Party live at the 02 Arena next Saturday. All you have to do, is tell us who this celebrity voice belongs to:

[A 20 second clip of Alexa Chung and Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. having a conversation over a cup of tea plays]

A.C: Yes, all you have to do is text us on 60786 with the name of my celebrity house guest. Better get your thumbs moving, though, ‘cos you’ve only got ten minutes to tell us. You must have celebrities popping round for a chat all the time, eh, Dev? Can you give us a few secrets they might’ve spilled to you?

L.C: Ah, well, that’d be telling, Alexa. Although, I guess just one won’t hurt. Erm… [Pondering who to spill the beans on] Well, Conor Oberst won’t go to sleep with the light off. He says it’s because of an episode of South Park he saw once involving some kind of Manbearpig thing.

A.C: Interesting… Verrry interesting. On that note, I’d like to introduce you to our numbers 5 and 4 in the charts. Both from Nebraska, It’s Tilly and the Wall with Beat Control, followed by Bright Eyes, with Four Winds.

[Beat Control by Tilly and the Wall plays, followed by Four Winds by Bright Eyes]

A.C: Almost time for this week’s number one! Ooh, my legs are turning to jelly and I’ve got a funny feeling in my loins… It’s gonna be a good’un, boys and girls.

L.C: And it’s almost time to announce the winner of our text competition, too, so stop texting now, we don’t want you wasting your hard earned cash.

[A 30 seond advert for Sheila’s Wheels home insurance plays, followed by a 30 second advert for and a 30 second advert for the new Fratellis Album. These adverts are then followed by two songs: Backfire at the Disco by The Wombats and Go Mr Sunshine by Remi Nicole]

A.C: Backfire at the Disco, the new single from the Wombats first there, at number 3, followed by Remi Nicole’s Go Mr Sunshine. And now [long pause for effect] It’s time to announce the winner of the text in competition… Tell us, Lightspeed, which lucky listeners will be seeing Bloc Party perform at one of the biggest arenas in the country?

L.C: Iiiiiiiit’s… [Drum roll sound effect, whilst Alexa pauses for effect] Hilton from Coventry! Well done, Hilton, those tickets will be finding there way to you no later than Tuesday.

A.C: Now. Take a deep breath. Maybe sit down. It’s our number one.

[The intro to Two Steps Forward by Emmy the Great starts to play for around 5 seconds, before fading out to background music]

A.C: Two Steps Forward by Emmy the Great! Enjoy, and I’ll see you all next week.

[Two Steps Forward starts up again, just as Emmy the Great starts to sing, playing through until the end, when the Soma FM jingle is heard once more]

 I can't remember if I made the news bit up in the news section.

I thought it was possibly about time that I started a blog in order to 'showcase' some of the work I've created in uni. In September, I started studying English with Creative Writing at the University of Salford. It's going pretty well so far, the literature side of things is possibly not my strong point but I've always accepted that and made sure that I focus on the creative side of things. These first few posts will pretty much be posting the backlog of work so far, including a couple of pieces from college. I hope you enjoy and if you've any ideas for improvements to any of these, just let me know :)

An Insight into the Mind of a Teenage Emo.

  April 2008


     Why me?
Current Mood:   NUMB

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Hawthorne Heights are playing on a school night! Why do these things always happen to me? The tiny, simple things in life that make me even the slightest bit less depressed always get messed up. I mean, I’d only just convinced my mother that H.H were the complete sex, so she’d lend me the money, when I discovered it, and now she’s all “blah blah, have to be up early, blah blah, a girl of your age out late.” Mother, I am not a child. I am a young woman. 13 is nearly an adult. I am in my prime, and I am being restricted.

I bet I’m adopted.

I need a drink.

Or maybe some poppers.

I also need a nice boy with good hair and black painted nails to take me away from all this hurt, please?

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
By My Chemical Romance
Release date: 08 June, 2004

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6 April 2008

What About Me?

Current Mood:  ANGRY

I saw HIM today. Down Camden, shoving his tongue down some 16 year old’s throat. Yes, yes, I know what you’re all saying about us, I know what you’re all thinking, and yes, of course I’m jealous.

I thought we were good together, I thought he was the one.

And sure, now APPARENTLY he’s a lot happier, but did he ever stop and think about me?! About how I would feel?!

He knows I go there every weekend, and still he parades her about like that, without stopping to think about me.

So selfish.

Men are all the same.

I’m turning gay LOL

Hayley Williams, watch out. Sleep with one eye open, you’re my first girly of choice :]

Serious, though.

I can’t cope with this life without him.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
All We Know Is Falling
By Paramore
Release date: 26 July, 2005

7 April 2008

A Poem About My Real Feelings.

Current Mood:    MISERABLE

It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, but after yesterday, I just really needed to let my feelings out onto the page, to stop me hurting myself.

I wrote this last night, whilst lying in bed, my tears soaking my pillow as I tried to cry out my memories of our perfect week together before he left me for some complete whore.

I’m extremely jealous.

It’s called In Blissful Ignorance, because I don’t want him to know the hurt he’s caused me, the way my heart bleeds whenever I catch site of him, the way my eyes flood whenever anybody says his name.  He can never know.

Sleep, my love,
For only when your eyes close
Can my tears begin to flow.
Unsteady, unsure, uneven,
Then flooding, unrelenting.
Harsh tracks down my cheeks.
So sleep, my sweet.
In blissful ignorance.

Love, my darling,
For only when your heart expands
Can mine begin to shrivel and die.
Love, loss, loneliness
Stab at me with every beat.
So love, my sweet.
In blissful ignorance.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)
By Bullet For My Valentine
Release date: 3 February, 2006

8 April 2008

Do You Know The Real Me?

Current Mood:  LONELY
All the cool kids are doing these things nowadays and since I have nothing to do, because everybody else is out having lives and boyfriends, I think I’ll join them.

SIX hav​​e you​​’s:​​
1. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r dat​​ed som​​eon​​e twi​​ce?​​
Yes, but the lying…  It just killed me inside.
That, and they found out and ended up hating me.
I just felt like ending it all then :[

2. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r kis​​sed​​ som​​eon​​e & reg​​rett​​ed it?​​Too many times. I regret all my kisses, because everybody just seems to use me.
None of them ever mean anything.

3. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r fal​​len​​ in lov​​e?
Too many times to count.
It hurts.
Love is like a rose. Beautiful to have, but painful to hold onto.

4. Hav​​e you​​ eve​​r los​​t som​​eon​​e?:
Everybody in my life I have lost. I don’t feel close to anyone anymore.
I’m so far from everyone.

5. H
ave​​ you​​ eve​​r sle​​pt unt​​il 2pm​​?
Sometimes I just can’t bring myself to get out of bed…

6. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r bee​​n dru​​nk and​​ thr​​own​​ up?​​
I drink to cope with my pain.
So, yes, I have been drunk and thrown up a lot.
I have a lot of pain.

FOUR​​ thi​​ngs​​ you​​ did​​ in the​​ pas​​t thr​​ee day​​s:
1. Cried.
2. Wished I wasn’t here.
3. Write Poetry.
4. Argued with my mother.

Lis​​t FIV​​E peo​​ple​​ you​​ can​​ tel​​l pre​​tty​​ muc​​h any​​thi​​ng to –
I don’t have anybody like that.

​​r las​​t kis​​s?

Do you
​​ bel​​iev​​e in lov​​e at fir​​st sig​​ht?​​
Yes. I’ve fallen in love at first site loads of times.

Is the
​​re som​​eth​​ing​​ you​​ wan​​t to tel​​l som​​eon​​e?
Yes, but it is my burden to bear.

​​t is you​​r cur​​ren​​t ann​​oya​​nce​​?

Do you
​​ wan​​t to cha​​nge​​ you​​r nam​​e?
I want to change everything about myself.

​​e som​​eth​​ing​​ you​​ CAN​​NOT​​ wai​​t to do:​​
See My Chemical Romance live next month.

​​re is you​​r bes​​t fri​​end​​ rig​​ht now​​?
In the kitchen drawer.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Currently Listening to:
I Won’t Ever Be Happy Again {From I’m Wide Awake It’s Morning}
By Bright Eyes
Release date: 25 January, 2005

A brief explanation of this work.

It is basically a parody of an emo kid's myspace blog. We all remember the kids from when we were 14. The kids that thought they were in love after two weeks, the kids who wrote poem after poem featuring the words 'bitter', 'scar' and 'razor' when those two week relationships fell through. This piece was done for my English Language and Literature AS Level when I lived in London and I think it was pretty well received at the time. You guys aren't getting the full effect without the pictures, I tried to put them in but you'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge of this site. I gave up after about 5 minutes. The keen-eyed amongst you will notice that it is indeed my own myspace name/picture that I have used at the start of the blog. This differs from the original (I used the name Amy {*{Take.This.Knife.And.Cut.You.Out}*} but for some reason I can't on this. Everything else I've kept the same :)