Friday 10 February 2012

Jesting about radio script

This was written for a BBC Radio competition. I didn't win. It's a bit of a twist on a customer who phoned me at work once.

FX: Cashier Number 5, please!
FX: Quiet background noise, a child crying in the distance and people chatting.
Cashier (female, fairly young and sounding bored, with a slight North East accent): How can I help you today, Sir?
Man (heavy North East accent, elderly): Just a balance for me today, pet.
Cashier: Put your debit card in. [Beat] Balance is £45.80. Anything else I can do for you today, Sir?
Man: Erm, I need an engineer for my washer-dryer.
Cashier: [Beat] Sir, I can’t do that for you. We...We’re just a bank, I’m afraid.
Man: So, when can I expect him?
Cashier: Well, you can’t. I haven’t ordered him.
Man: Well, I’d like some kind of estimate, I mean I can’t just be waiting around all day for him, you know what I mean?
Cashier: I understand, Sir, but again, I must just say that we are just a bank. Now, is there anything else I can actually help you with?
Man: My wife’s in a wheelchair.
Cashier (becoming increasingly aggravated): I’m very sorry to hear that, but unfortunately we can’t order engineers and we can’t perform miracles! Once again, just a bank!
Man: So will it be tomorrow, then? I suppose it’s too late to get one today.
Cashier: Will what be today?
Man: My engineer!
Cashier: Well, obviously not, I haven’t ordered one!
Man: Well, you were the one bringing it up again.
Cashier: Ok, well, are there anymore banking related queries I can help you with? (with each sentence, the cashier’s voice gets quieter, as if she is backing away from her awkward customer) No? Ok, that’s great. I’ve got to go... lie down for a few minutes.
FX: shutter closing

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