Friday 10 February 2012

I thought it was possibly about time that I started a blog in order to 'showcase' some of the work I've created in uni. In September, I started studying English with Creative Writing at the University of Salford. It's going pretty well so far, the literature side of things is possibly not my strong point but I've always accepted that and made sure that I focus on the creative side of things. These first few posts will pretty much be posting the backlog of work so far, including a couple of pieces from college. I hope you enjoy and if you've any ideas for improvements to any of these, just let me know :)

An Insight into the Mind of a Teenage Emo.

  April 2008


     Why me?
Current Mood:   NUMB

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Hawthorne Heights are playing on a school night! Why do these things always happen to me? The tiny, simple things in life that make me even the slightest bit less depressed always get messed up. I mean, I’d only just convinced my mother that H.H were the complete sex, so she’d lend me the money, when I discovered it, and now she’s all “blah blah, have to be up early, blah blah, a girl of your age out late.” Mother, I am not a child. I am a young woman. 13 is nearly an adult. I am in my prime, and I am being restricted.

I bet I’m adopted.

I need a drink.

Or maybe some poppers.

I also need a nice boy with good hair and black painted nails to take me away from all this hurt, please?

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
By My Chemical Romance
Release date: 08 June, 2004

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6 April 2008

What About Me?

Current Mood:  ANGRY

I saw HIM today. Down Camden, shoving his tongue down some 16 year old’s throat. Yes, yes, I know what you’re all saying about us, I know what you’re all thinking, and yes, of course I’m jealous.

I thought we were good together, I thought he was the one.

And sure, now APPARENTLY he’s a lot happier, but did he ever stop and think about me?! About how I would feel?!

He knows I go there every weekend, and still he parades her about like that, without stopping to think about me.

So selfish.

Men are all the same.

I’m turning gay LOL

Hayley Williams, watch out. Sleep with one eye open, you’re my first girly of choice :]

Serious, though.

I can’t cope with this life without him.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
All We Know Is Falling
By Paramore
Release date: 26 July, 2005

7 April 2008

A Poem About My Real Feelings.

Current Mood:    MISERABLE

It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, but after yesterday, I just really needed to let my feelings out onto the page, to stop me hurting myself.

I wrote this last night, whilst lying in bed, my tears soaking my pillow as I tried to cry out my memories of our perfect week together before he left me for some complete whore.

I’m extremely jealous.

It’s called In Blissful Ignorance, because I don’t want him to know the hurt he’s caused me, the way my heart bleeds whenever I catch site of him, the way my eyes flood whenever anybody says his name.  He can never know.

Sleep, my love,
For only when your eyes close
Can my tears begin to flow.
Unsteady, unsure, uneven,
Then flooding, unrelenting.
Harsh tracks down my cheeks.
So sleep, my sweet.
In blissful ignorance.

Love, my darling,
For only when your heart expands
Can mine begin to shrivel and die.
Love, loss, loneliness
Stab at me with every beat.
So love, my sweet.
In blissful ignorance.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Currently Listening to:
All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)
By Bullet For My Valentine
Release date: 3 February, 2006

8 April 2008

Do You Know The Real Me?

Current Mood:  LONELY
All the cool kids are doing these things nowadays and since I have nothing to do, because everybody else is out having lives and boyfriends, I think I’ll join them.

SIX hav​​e you​​’s:​​
1. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r dat​​ed som​​eon​​e twi​​ce?​​
Yes, but the lying…  It just killed me inside.
That, and they found out and ended up hating me.
I just felt like ending it all then :[

2. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r kis​​sed​​ som​​eon​​e & reg​​rett​​ed it?​​Too many times. I regret all my kisses, because everybody just seems to use me.
None of them ever mean anything.

3. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r fal​​len​​ in lov​​e?
Too many times to count.
It hurts.
Love is like a rose. Beautiful to have, but painful to hold onto.

4. Hav​​e you​​ eve​​r los​​t som​​eon​​e?:
Everybody in my life I have lost. I don’t feel close to anyone anymore.
I’m so far from everyone.

5. H
ave​​ you​​ eve​​r sle​​pt unt​​il 2pm​​?
Sometimes I just can’t bring myself to get out of bed…

6. Hav
​​e you​​ eve​​r bee​​n dru​​nk and​​ thr​​own​​ up?​​
I drink to cope with my pain.
So, yes, I have been drunk and thrown up a lot.
I have a lot of pain.

FOUR​​ thi​​ngs​​ you​​ did​​ in the​​ pas​​t thr​​ee day​​s:
1. Cried.
2. Wished I wasn’t here.
3. Write Poetry.
4. Argued with my mother.

Lis​​t FIV​​E peo​​ple​​ you​​ can​​ tel​​l pre​​tty​​ muc​​h any​​thi​​ng to –
I don’t have anybody like that.

​​r las​​t kis​​s?

Do you
​​ bel​​iev​​e in lov​​e at fir​​st sig​​ht?​​
Yes. I’ve fallen in love at first site loads of times.

Is the
​​re som​​eth​​ing​​ you​​ wan​​t to tel​​l som​​eon​​e?
Yes, but it is my burden to bear.

​​t is you​​r cur​​ren​​t ann​​oya​​nce​​?

Do you
​​ wan​​t to cha​​nge​​ you​​r nam​​e?
I want to change everything about myself.

​​e som​​eth​​ing​​ you​​ CAN​​NOT​​ wai​​t to do:​​
See My Chemical Romance live next month.

​​re is you​​r bes​​t fri​​end​​ rig​​ht now​​?
In the kitchen drawer.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Currently Listening to:
I Won’t Ever Be Happy Again {From I’m Wide Awake It’s Morning}
By Bright Eyes
Release date: 25 January, 2005

A brief explanation of this work.

It is basically a parody of an emo kid's myspace blog. We all remember the kids from when we were 14. The kids that thought they were in love after two weeks, the kids who wrote poem after poem featuring the words 'bitter', 'scar' and 'razor' when those two week relationships fell through. This piece was done for my English Language and Literature AS Level when I lived in London and I think it was pretty well received at the time. You guys aren't getting the full effect without the pictures, I tried to put them in but you'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge of this site. I gave up after about 5 minutes. The keen-eyed amongst you will notice that it is indeed my own myspace name/picture that I have used at the start of the blog. This differs from the original (I used the name Amy {*{Take.This.Knife.And.Cut.You.Out}*} but for some reason I can't on this. Everything else I've kept the same :)

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