Friday 10 February 2012

5 minute short film script

Another university assignment. Forgive this script, it was written hastily whilst hungover.

5 Minute Script
5 minute script for a short film.

A scruffy man in his mid 20’s, JACK, reaches into a fridge and takes out a can of special brew. He cracks it open and takes a long swig.
Buuuuuuuuurrrrrrpppp... Ahhhh....

He ambles back to an old stained armchair in front of a small television.
                        TELEVISION PRESENTER
And finally, Susannah Colridge will be performing and meeting fans at Club Koko
for this year’s Children in Need event.
Susannah will be available between 7-8pm.
Now, over to Tim for the weather.

Jack reaches for an old Nokia 3310 mobile phone and dials.
Yeah, yeah, Jill. It’s me. Did you just
see what I just seen? Yeah, at Koko. We
have to go. Nah, I’m sure as soon as I
actually speak to her she’ll get to know
me, see the real me. And... And we’ll fall
in love and have a beautiful wedding, and
she’ll wear a red dress because she’s just
so alternative like that and...

Jack’s voice fades out as we see that his house is basically a shrine to this celebrity. SUSANNAH COLRIDGE, a 50’s style raven haired bombshell with a modern twist, bright red lips and porcelain skin decorated with a multitude of piercings. She has a full hourglass figure and appears particularly fond of corsets. Underneath the numerous posters and photographs, Jack has scrawled her name surrounded by love hearts.
                                                     CUT TO:
Jack steps onto a 253 bus; its destination is Camden Town. He now wears a shabby tux, the arms and legs are too short and the buttons strain over his beer belly. His shirt has an old ketchup stain on it.
                                                     CUT TO:
Jack grinning to himself, nodding his head in time to the music that is blaring from his headphones. The music itself is similar to that of ‘Evanescence’.
FX: A mobile phone rings, the ringtone is a monophonic version of the song he is listening to.
I’ll be about 20 minutes, yeah. So,
what I was saying before is that
after the wedding, we’ll go on our
honeymoon to somewhere dead alternative
like Finland or really retro and wacky.
Scarborough or, like, Scunthorpe or...
Jill? Jill?

Jack looks at his mobile and shrugs.
                                                     CUT TO:
There is a long queue. Jack and his friend JILL are right at the back, slowly inching towards the front.
And I think that we’ll have 3 children,
maybe 2 boys and a girl, and maybe we
could give them really edgy names, like...
SATANESSA or something equally as cool
and ‘out-there’... A combination of our
names could be awesome. Jackannah... I
like it. I really like it. Or if it’s a
boy, like, Susack. Like some kind of
cool French guy from a film or something.

Jill looks bored as he is saying this. We get the impression it has been going on for a while, and Jack shows no signs of running out of steam.
                                                     CUT TO:
INT. CLUB KOKO -- Overhead view.
People are moving quickly through the queue, the action sped up.
                        JACK (V.O)
I know she’ll be on tour a lot, but I
know she won’t be tempted by any of
those guys. Flash cars? Fancy guitars?
Nope, Jill, Susie’ll know. Once you’ve
had the Jack, you’ll never go back. We
can always get a nanny for Susack and Jackannah and...
                                                     CUT TO:
A burly looking BOUNCER interrupts Jack’s daydream.
NEXT! You get 1 minute, pay up or get
out, Miss Colridge is a very popular
lady, no time for timewasters.

Jack hands him a grubby ten pound note and rushes to the table. Susannah is sat there, looking bored and chewing gum.
She pops a bubble in Jack’s face.
                        SUSANNAH (CONT’D)
            Whaddaya want, loser?

She peers at him, her face right next to his and then reels back like a startled ferret.
Hey! Who the fuck let you in?! You some kind of disgusting HOBO or something?! SECURITY! Get that... THING away from me!

Susannah sniffs theatrically.

                        SUSANNAH (CONT’D)
Is that... Is that you? OHMYGOD! You’re disgusting!

The BOUNCER and one of his cronies swoop in and grab Jack, pushing his arms around his back.
                                                     CUT TO:
A door opens and out sails Jack, landing with a dull thud on a pile of black bin bags.
Jill runs out, she crouches down and removes a banana skin from Jack’s head. She looks tenderly into his eyes, which are shining with tears.
Hey. Heyyy... You don’t need her. I’m sure there’s somebody who wants to marry you and have 3 alternative children and a retro honeymoon.
No, Jill. You heard her. I’m disgusting. A... A HOBO! I bet you a fiver, no! A tenner! That nobody will ever love me.

Jill leans in and gently kisses Jack.
I think you owe me a tenner...



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